Orlando was born (March 28, 1939), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He attended primary, middle and high school at Colégio de São Bento - CSB, in Rio de Janeiro city, where he has lived for most of his life. He graduated from the Universidade do Estado da Guanabara - UERJ, with an honour B.S. in Physics, in 1964. From 1962 to 1965, he got fellowship, from Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission - CNEN, at Physics Institute - UERJ and IME. He got the Nuclear Engineer degree from Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1965.
Since 1966 CNEN staffmember, as a researcher in various aspects of Nuclear Science and Technology. Orlando lived as a post-graduate student in São Paulo city, where he got the M.Sc. from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo - EP USP , in Nuclear Science and Technology, in 1969. He developed competence in accelerators - Linear Electron Accelerator at the Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo and in Cyclotrons at the Centre d`Études Nucleaires de Saclay, France. He became a Docteur en Sciences Physiques at the Université de Paris, in 1972.
He returned to Europe, 1983-87, as an United Nations - UN International Civil Servant in the Safeguards Department of the International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA , Vienna, Austria.
He works at Nuclear Engineering Institute - IEN [ DECANUS ], in the Radiopharmacy Division - Cyclotrons (CV-28 & RDS-111), in the Campus - Cidade Universitária of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ.
Retired March 2009.Updated April 2009